New For Android Smartphones : Smart WiFi – Save Battery Power By Managing WiFi Connectivity Efficiently
The WiFi function on a smartphone is besides being a unmissable feature, also one of the features that consumes the most battery power. When not connected to a WiFi hotspot the phone keeps looking for a suitable network to attach to, using nonessential battery power. Thanks to Smart WiFi, Android(TM) users now have the choice to preserve battery power by effectively handling their WiFi connectivity. Already a massive success for BlackBerryreg ; Smartphones, this application is now also available for Android(TM) Smartphones. Smart WiFi leverages from the Android(TM) always being hooked up to the network carrier.
Because WiFi is one of the largest shoppers of battery power when hunting for WiFi networks this has an amazing effect on your battery life-span. By remembering cell tower information, Smart WiFi uncovers when a hotspot area (e.g. Office or home) is left and WiFi is turned off immediately.
By doing this, this saves lots of battery power. Everytime a hotspot area is entered again, Smart WiFi instantly switches the WiFi function back on, permitting the user to use WiFi as normal. Smart WiFi for Android(TM) Smartphones is available for $1.99 on Android Market for all Smartphones running Android 2.1 or higher : our website . About S4BB Limited : . S4BB Limited is a Hong Kong-based company, focusing on the development of mobile applications. It provides software for the world-wide mobile market, for example games, productivity applications, administration tools, mobile communication products along with desktop applications for preparing data for your mobile device. S4BB Limited.